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DA-MING User Guide



Keep track of your tasks

Maintain all of your deadlines, todos, or events in one place.

Mark completed tasks as done

If your task is complete, mark them as done! Or delete them if you do not need them anymore!

Rename commands

Don’t like how I named the commands? Change them to fit you!


todo - Add a new Todo task

Adds a new task to be done.

Command: todo <description>

Aliases: t

deadline - Add a new Deadline task

Adds a new task with a deadline to meet.

Command: deadline <description> /by <time: ddmmyyyy hhmm>

Aliases: dead

event - Add a new Event task

Adds a new event and when it will happen.

Command: event <description> /at <time: ddmmyyyy hhmm>

Aliases: e

list - List all tasks

List all tasks added into the task list.

Command: list

Aliases: l

find - Find tasks

Finds related task containing a specific keyword(s).

Command: find <keyword(s)>

Aliases: search, f

done - Mark task as done

Marks a task as done given its number.

Command: done <task number>

Aliases: d, complete, completed

delete - Delete selected task

Deletes a task given its number.

Command: delete <task number>

Aliases: del

alias - Add a new alias

Create a new alias for an existing command.

Command: alias <command name> <new alias>

Aliases: a

bye - Exit DA-MING

Saves task list and any existing aliases.

Command: bye

Aliases: b